Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I take guarantee of these socks

When you don't wash them for days in December, 
these wont smell of dead rats.
This elastic,look, 
It won't ever dig its teeth into your plump shanks.
Blood circulation continues au naturale
I promise you, sir.
Take 2 pairs for 100 bucks!
It will be the best decision you ever took.
You will be remembered as 
the best you-
Loving father, Caring husband and The most sensible buyer of socks.
These socks are made of natural fibers. 
No synthetic at all, nunca nada.
Your feet will breathe and bask in the pink of health. Forever.

In a world without givens 
and where nothing is guaranteed.
Where people take chances everyday.
Lovers keep falling without safety nets.
Waiting for their girl friends at the stations 
And leave them back there 4 hours later.
What's the guarantee, tomorrow they won't hate her?
They wait till the very last moment, 
till the train leaves the platform, 
till the last of her smiling silhouette is still in sight. 
Blurry with speed and distance.

Time. People give it to other people. 
Without knowing whether or not 
they will still be around to share future-time next year 
Or next month for that matter.
Heart breaks. 
Time and again.

No one takes the guarantee 
that they won't shred your heart to tattered bits of cloth and paper 
And flesh and blood giving off whiff of burnt rubber and rueful anger.
Do they?
Did that ever stop you from loving them?
And Here I am, making honest promises to you. 
About these socks I have here.
I can elaborate more so that you know this ain't a set up.

Look sir, hear me out.
Patterns here on this blue one, 
These are made keeping in mind the soothing color palette 
Which means every time you wear this particular pair,
You will feel awesome and want to win 
And be happy; keep others happy too. 
The whole day. Glory is what, sir.
I take the guarantee of these socks! I do!
They will never shrink,
Nor will the elastic give into being loose and lazy. 
Years of research, I know exactly annoying, 
socks that bunch up can be.
These will be firm and gentle
Never let you develop an itch.

Even big multinationals with billions of dollars of turnover 
Can't ascertain you that you will enjoy working with them. 
Still you go ahead with the opportunity.
Schrodinger's cat you say, eh?
You can't know what it will be till you try.
Risks there. 
You take the plunge anyway.
No guarantees of exposure, 
growth or quick successive appraisals there. 
Are there?
And when I tell you that I'm responsible in entirety for these socks,
You look away?
No one has. 
No one will take guarantee for anything. 
Not even their own kids or art or life. 
In a hubbub of blamers and finger pointers. 
I'm your only hope, sir. 
The only responsibility taker.
Pay some heed to me, 
you heart breaker.

These look spectacular with your loafers,
crocs or sandals
And even flip flops.

Oh god, I am sorry.
Didn't see your wheelchair there, sir.
Good Day, Anyway!

Image Courtesy: The Socks Seller by 

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