Ok Sanghi
Here I am An educated middle class Hindu living abroad.
What is even my plight alas! I know what you expect I'll do:
Just look the other way.
To the green pastures of my temporary home. To its beaches, the opportunity
the picturesque expressways
while back home,
you take the lives and rights
of my brothers and sisters away.
You smirk Sanghi and ask me,
Why does it affect me at all?
Why so dramatic?
Surely if it mattered enough I wouldn’t be so far
from home after all.
What a hypocrite,
What a hypocrite,
an educated middle class Hindu living abroad!
Pssst! I could just mind my business,
there will be new news next week?
Go ahead Sanghi
Call me unconstitutional
Call me delusional
Call me a snowflake
I am numb to names.
This is not Maslow's hierarchy
at work or a mid-life crisis.
This is not a drill --
not for sickular educated
middle class Hindu living abroad.
I wish I had the audacity
To turn a blind eye. But I can’t.
I can’t just get back to work.
Enjoy the beer and the privilege.
Or look at the Christmas decorations,
while all my Apple screens
turn a crimson shade of blood and
it's beginning to look a lot like fascism
And so
I can’t keep calm or civil or everything buried down deep.
I can’t afford this so called luxury
of being apolitical anymore.
I can’t afford this so called luxury
of being apolitical anymore.
And no
Ignorance isn't bliss,
Ignorance at a time like this
is the opposite of democracy.
O Sanghi
Imagine how grave your actions have to be that I - a middle class Hindu -
Imagine how grave your actions have to be that I - a middle class Hindu -
am riled up
In a different timezone.
Taking to the streets alone,
I don’t know what to do.
I am figuring it out, but I know this:
Staying quiet now
would mean being on
the wrong side of history.
Staying quiet now
would mean being on
the wrong side of history.
Sidebar: If YouTube is looking for Rewind Video ideas Here’s one just in time:
BJP 2019 — NRC, CAB, Kashmir, Ram Mandir, Assam and on and on and on. The background score could be:
Democracy ki Tamanna ab humaare dil mein Hai
Dekhna hai zor kitna bazu-e-bhakto mein hai
Social media friendly link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6KDE17FQj8/?hl=en
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