You wake up one morning
To see an icon on the top left corner
of your android phone.
Fear of unknown.
Its a triangle with an exclamation at center,
No good sign ever went there.
It's just second to the one with a skull n bones.
Fear of unknown.
How we won't go into the dark,
Knowing that the house has a door, that's locked.
Why don't we touch that bag lying on a Sunday at a crowded subway platform just coz it's not our own.
Fear of unknown.
Fear of unknown.
You put on your shoes and find yourself feeling funny
There's something squishy inside your right shoe,
It's a feeling you can't and wouldn't want to buy,
buy with money.
It's like your foot touched an alien's green poo
or the bare brain of a gnome.
Fear of unknown.
The fear of unknown.
Why would you not take the chances
Why not take that job you'd really like
but won't cover your medical expenses,
Why can't we cut our own hair
Or lick a shell we found on the beach.
Take the shortcut even if it's a little scary.
Or from a skyscraper's top,
Drop an ice cream cone.
Fear of unknown.
What stops you?
take an impromptu plane ticket to a country whose name you can't even pronounce.
How about you talk to that not so welcoming girl in your class that's weird and not a part of your group.
Why don't you call up that guy who's really in need and asked you for a loan.
Fear of unknown.
Fear of unknown.
Nice !